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M.S. (in progress) in Geographic Information Science (GIS) concurrently enrolled in the Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) program through UNMs Center for Advanced Research Computing (CARC)

 B.S. in Earth and Planetary Science (Geology) from UNM 2013


Research Interests


Timeliness of Remote Sensing, UAVs, Photogrammetry


Projective Geometry and Computer Vision Applications


Wireless Sensor Networks, Embedded Processing


GPU optimization of Spatial Data Processing


Structure from Motion (SfM) and Multiview Stereo (MVS),


Deep Neural Nets (DNN) for image analysis and classification.



Current Projects


Evaluation of the Effect of Ground Control Placement on Structure from Motion Models (in progress)

Developing a Methodology to Inventory Acequia Networks in New Mexico: Projective Geometry and Photogrammetry (in progress)

Quantification of Variances in SfM Generated DSMs: A Stability Analysis and a Framework (in progress)



Other Interests and Activities


Spatial Data Analysis and Informatics Software


Population movement and Geopolitics


Biomimicry and Modern Agricultural Turns