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Susan Bogus Halter, Ph.D., P.E.

Department of Civil Engineering, University of New Mexico


Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2004

M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1992

B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1989

Research Interests

Infrastructure Management; Sustainable Design and Construction; Construction Management; and Project Delivery

Current Projects

"Development of a Remote Sensing Network for Time-sensitive Detection of Fine Scale Damage to Transportation Infrastructure"

PI Christopher D. Lippitt, CO-PI: Susan Bogus Halter

U.S. Department of Transportation – Research and Innovative Technology Administration

September 1, 2014 – December 30, 2016, $1,217,397 Direct Cost and $71,103 Indirect Cost

Recent Publications

Zhang*, S., Bogus, S.M., and Lippitt, C.D. In Press. “Pavement surface permanent deformation detection and assessment based on digital aerial triangulation.” Proceedings of the 2015 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Austin, TX.

Zhang*, S., and Bogus, S.M. 2014. "Use of low-cost remote sensing for infrastructure management." Proceedings of the 2014 Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Atlanta, GA, 1299-1308.

For more information about Dr. Susan Bogus Halter, please visit http://civil.unm.edu/faculty-staff/faculty-profiles/susan-halter.html